Επιτροπη μοριοδοτησησ
Αριστείδης Χωραττάς – Πρόεδρος
PhD, MA, Bsc Cancer Nursing, DipNA, RGN. President, European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN). President, CYNMA Accreditation Committee
Μαρία Παναγιώτου – Γραμματέας
MA, BSc, RGN, RM Nursing Officer, Limassol General Hospital
Δημήτρης Λοΐζου – Μέλος
MSc/MN, BSc, RGN, APN/ACNP, CCCN, ERC & ATCN Instructor, Qualified nurse ambulance crew, Cyprus Ambulance Service, Nursing Officer, Limassol General Hospital (SHSO).
Θεοχάρης Ιωάννου – Μέλος
MSc, BSc Nursing studies, RGN, ERC instructor (ALS,ILS,BLS), A&E Department and Education office Ammochostos General Hospital
Ανδρέας Κρασιάς – Μέλος
MSc, BSc, Mental Health Nurse RN, Harm Reduction Center – Limassol